Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog #6: "The Story of an Hour"

Mrs. Mallard

Married: Brently Mallard
Family: Josephine
Friends: Richards

9 AM: My sister and my husband's friend have come for a visit... how nice...

9:10 AM: Dead? I should never have let him leave...

9:20 AM : I shall never leave my room again. let me have my peace...

9:25 AM: Wait this could be my new start!

9:30 AM: As many of my followers know there have been so many things that I have wanted to do, that my husband didn't allow me too. Free!

9:35 AM: This will be so great so many things I could do. this could be fun, a new start.

Mrs, Mallard Likes this site: http://www.experienceproject.com/groups/Want-To-Start-A-New-Life/32430

9:45 AM: My sister keeps knocking on my door and yelling at me to come out... make my self ill... I've never been this free!

9:50 AM: I guess I better go out there and explain that I'll be just fine.

9:59 AM: Hmm... I wonder who that could be at the door...

10:00 AM:  Well that was one hour of freedom completely wasted...

This account has been closed.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Blog #5: "Orientation"

      This is the main office that you will come to in the mornings at 9:00. You will meet in the basement with all the other cleaners and get your bucket of supplies ready and your bag of rags. Being a lead myself I might not grab supplies but just because I’m not doing anything doesn’t mean you should stand still. I and the other leads get slightly more special attention cause we have been here a long time and basically know all. Creeped out yet?  Remember to get things done fast. Once all that is done you need to wait till our supervisor gives you the apartment that is needed to be done. You will be assigned a bucket, make sure your bucket is stocked up with all the proper supplies and that you have enough cleaner to do the job. Maintenance you ask? No we won’t have to do any of that that is another department. But sometimes they will be in the same apartment working at the same time you are. Don’t get in their way and they won’t get in yours. Besides if you can get a conversation going, they are funny as hell. Grab 2 bags of rags and get another bag to hold a towel, 2 garbage bags (one for trash, the other for dirty rags), and anther bag for the extra needed supplies. Grab a broom it doesn’t matter which, and then a step ladder with the same number as your bucket. One through ten ladders are here, eleven through twenty over there. Put the ladders back in their appropriate spot when done. Remember to get things done fast.
      You will have a partner one of you has the kitchen the other has the bathroom. Do your best to get along with them cause you will be with them for the rest of your time here. That group other there is boyfriend and girlfriend and that’s ok as long as it’s not interfering with their work. The main supervisor does have a bad side and you definitely don’t want to be on it. there are also on and off days so just come in with a smile and good attitude and the day will go easier. The main supervisor will give you the beginning training then have one of her 4 leads give you a more in depth training after that it’s up to you. Don’t worry we won’t bite. One of us will also check your work after and we will not be easy on you. We remember to get things done fast.  We may be doing our own apartment or something else but we will get around to help if any problems occur. Those two getting their buckets are one of my favorite groups because they are very good at what they do.  All the groups have certain things that they do well. And all the leads, well we will do our best to make sure you and our company look good so don’t screw up. And have a good training day!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blog #4: "A Good Man is Hard to Find"

      The Grandmother would best the best of the family that shows "Southern Grotesque." It could be shown when they first started their trip and the grandmother out the little black boy on the side of the road. She called him a "little pickaninny" and when June star pointed out the he didn't have "britches on" the grandmother stated the he probably didn't have any anyway. It shows her racial bigotry, and the poverty that others had in that time. Then the grandmother would point out how “Red Sam’s wife” should be ashamed when June Star talked about their shortcomings. Red Sam’s wife thought it was so cute when June Star danced and made a comment on asking if she would be her little girl. June stated “I wouldn’t live in a broken-down place like this for a million bucks!” It was just the way that the grandmother talked down to her that was just plain rude. Then there is “The Misfit” who seems to have no sense of right and wrong. The Misfit may not have always had the capacity for evil that he shows at the end of the story, but the time that he had spent in prison whether he did actually commit a crime or not morally corrupted him. He commented on what his fatter said about him that he was only just a “different breed of dog from his brothers and sisters.” That shows that he must have been different but it doesn’t mean that he was as corrupted then as he shows now in the story. He seemed to not mind when his… “Hench-men” killed the son and father or later when they killed the mother, daughter, and baby. The only time the Misfit might have ever shown the slightest bit of remorse was when he shot the grandmother when she tried to plea for her life. He and the grandmother are the ones in the story that I believe most show “Southern Grotesque.”

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blog #3: "The Lottery"

      Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" concerns itself with the concept that it can be acceptable to require the individual to sacrifice for the greater good. While today's society might not be as "tribal" as what takes place in this short story, there are times when its acceptable for some individuals have to "sacrifice for the greater good." In the short story the woman "Mrs. Hutchinson" has to sacrifice herself to the stones if only to keep up tradition. It is really horrible, the one man Old Man Warner talks about this is how its supposed to be the lottery has always been around and to give it up is listening to the foolish young folks. Then he boasts about being in the lottery "seventy seven years" to me he is just showing everybody that he is soo special to have cheated death. Then when a (friend)of the daughter says "I hope it isn't Nancy" warner says again "people ain't the way they used to be." The woman seems to be unwillingly sacrificing herself just for tradition. One of today's versions of this story is something I have witnessed first-hand. People may not be giving up their lives but the do have to give up their homes for the better of every one else. Sure nowadays they will be given other places to live because we are not so "tribal" but it will never be the same for those people. Theses people have to give their homes so that Highway 95 can be widened and shortened for the heavy traffic that drives the road daily. The highway will be "paved" over homes for the "best reroute" they can find. Not that the families in the homes have any say because they are "sacrificing for the greater good." There are other possible reroutes that wont remove homes but efficiency is key so it is acceptable to move the people out of the way of the new highway. So it isn't as gruesome as "The Lottery" but the same concept is in place by making one sacrifice for the greater good whatever that may be. It may not be "fair" or "right" but tradition must be kept up. Sacrifices are always being made.