Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog #2: "Girl" to "Boy"

      Mow the lawn on Saturday, start at the top of the yard, mow in the morning while its cool; don't start races with the mowers; let the dogs out every two hours; feed dogs every morning; don't leave your clothes on the bathroom floor; flush the toilet; wash your clothes every weekend; don't leave food out; don't eat all throughout the day; put dishes in dishwasher; wash your hands; flush the toilet; shower every day; don't forget to brush teeth; put on deodorant; don't play games on the Galaxy during church; no tattoos; no piercings; no smoking or chewing; flush the toilet; respect girls; hold door for them; offer your hand as help; place your hand not too low or too high on her back when directing her; focus your eyes on her face not her chest; keep your breath fresh, but never kiss on first date; flush the toilet; don't burn house down while cooking; don't leave burners on unattended, don't let water boil over; always use right size pot so food doesn't overflow; clean up spills; and flush the toilet. What if the toilet handle doesn't work? Wow you're really going to flush after all?

1 comment:

  1. I like your sense of humor :) I also find it interesting that such a small piece of writing can tell us so much about a particular household--not only its day-to-day operations but also its morals. This is a household in which "kids will be kids" (hence, the notes about not starting races with the mowers and being on cell phones during church) but also a household in which there's also a lot of necessary skills being learned.
